Evaluations of Spanish Speakers

As the number of Spanish speaking monolinguals and Spanish-English bilinguals increases in the Houston area, it is important that they are assessed in the language they feel most comfortable with (i.e., Spanish, English, or “Spanglish”).

At HNA, we have the ability to utilize appropriate instruments and normative data in the assessment of Spanish speaking adults. Dr. Claudia Resendiz is our bilingual and bi-cultural neuropsychologist who has been trained in selecting, administering, and interpreting culturally sensitive instruments in the assessment of Spanish speaking adults.

During the clinical interview, Dr. Resendiz will spend time assessing how language as well as additional cultural factors (e.g., acculturation, assimilation, country of education) may impact brain and cognitive functioning. After careful consideration, the testing session will proceed in the language deemed most appropriate for the patient. At times, the instruments administered will be solely in Spanish, others solely in English, and there may also be instances where a combination of both Spanish and English measures will be required.