Policy for Late Cancellations and No Show Patients

When we schedule time for your evaluation, we are reserving the doctor’s time, technician’s time, and a room for you and your particular needs. If you cancel at the last minute or do not appear for your scheduled appointment, we generally cannot use this time to provide care for another patient.

Effective September 1, 2023, we will charge a $125 fee if you cancel your appointment with notice of less than 24 hours or if you do not appear for it. We will ask that this fee be paid before scheduling any future appointments at our practice. This fee will not be covered by your insurance and will be due from you directly.

It is not our intent to be punitive but, instead, to ensure that we are able to care for all of the patients who need our care. If we know in advance that there is an opening, we may be able to fill that appointment with another patient who has a need.

We appreciate your understanding.